Discovering The Magic Of The Sea Moss

Discovering The Magic Of The Sea Moss

Sea Moss was one of Dr. Sebi's go-to herbs for cleansing, fasting, and daily nutrition. This unique red macro-algae has a very unusual triphasic life cycle, and the remarkable ability to metabolize halides (iodine, chlorine, fluorine, and bromine) which makes it an invaluable nutritional tool. Rediscover the magic of the sea, by learning the benefits of sea moss!

What is  Sea Moss?

Sea Moss is an immensely nutrient-dense that provides essential micro-nutrients, phytochemicals, and beneficial plant material. It grows in cool coastal waters in different parts of the world.

Coming from humble origins, Sea moss now retails as a luxury super-food, with prices matching its profound nutritional levels. Also known as carrageen moss, it is currently enjoying a resurgence in popularity as people seeking high-strength nutrition are increasingly making it a staple in their daily diets. 

Benefits of  Sea Moss

  • Nutrition: 90% of our essential minerals, rich in magnesium plus detoxifying fiber, pectin, and sulfur.
  • Thyroid: extremely rich in iodine, and raw 'ingredients' to make thyroid hormones.
  • Lungs: expectorant, rich in potassium chloride, dissolves mucus, clears congestion.
  • Brain: neuro-protective, reduces oxidative damage, and cerebral inflammation.
  • Digestion: works as a mild laxative, feeds good bacteria, demulcent soothes gut, and aids digestion.
  • Metabolism: reduces appetite, increases satiety, boosts metabolism, promotes weight-loss.
  • Immune: helps remove heavy metals from the gut, neutralizes radiation, builds anti-oxidants.
  • Hormones: Improves hormonal balance, boosts sexual desire, increases testosterone


Methods of Use

Make desserts and savory treats or add Sea moss to soups and smoothies. After soaking in water, and boiling, the long-chain plant polysaccharides form a multi-purpose versatile gel.

  • Smoothies: add to green smoothies or juices to add texture and minerals.
  • Soups: thicken vegetable broths, or liquidized cooked vegetables.
  • Cooking: egg-substitute for baking, bind vegetable patties, and thicken sauces.
  • Desserts: simmer soaked moss with walnut milk and agave for panna-cotta-style pudding.

Sea moss provides immune-boosting nutrition to replenish your endocrine system, reduce the risk of disease, boost metabolism, and increase circulation. Improve your iron levels and oxygenation, reduce age-related eye damage, and prevent arthritis! Boost your mind and strengthen your bones, cleanse the blood, and clear the lungs


Different Colors of Sea Moss

Different Colors of Sea Moss

What are the Differences Between the Different Colors of Sea Moss?
Gold Sea Moss, Green Sea Moss, and Purple Sea Moss are all nutrient and mineral rich, providing 92/102 minerals found in the body.

The many benefits of these varieties include:
Boost Immunity
Soothe Digestion
Rich in Iron, Zinc, B Vitamins, Magnesium
Aides in Bowel Regulation
Antiviral & Antimicrobial
Mucus Removal
Relieves Respiratory Conditions
Improve Emotional Health
Strengthen Joints and Bone
Improve Skin Health

    However, due to the different Phytonutrients in the different gold, green and purple sea moss, this results in different colors.

    The different colors (Phytonutrients) play a different role in the body e.g purple is high in antioxidants which combat free radicals in your body, gold/yellow is high in phytonutrients which play a role in cellular communication, and the green seamoss contains chlorophyll which aids in liver detoxification and also increase blood hemoglobin.

    They all contain many of the same minerals and benefits, however everyone's body is different and consistent sea moss consumption may benefit/impact persons differently.

    Sea Moss is a nutrient dense algae that holds 90% of minerals and vitamins that your body needs for proper function. It is firm in texture and ranges in color. While all Sea Moss carries the same beneficial qualities and can be used in the same ways, certain colors contain Phytonutrients which offer additional benefits that are unique to them.

    Gold Sea Moss is the most commonly used and the only color that is sun-dried. It offers all the benefits of Sea Moss that we've come to know and love. But, it has very minimal smell and taste compared to the other colors.

    Purple Sea Moss contains powerful antioxidants called Anthocyanins, which are commonly found in blue and purple fruits or vegetables. Anthocyanins are linked to health benefits such as stronger bones, a healthier heart, lower inflammation and protection against certain types of cancers. Purple Sea Moss is more rare to find and dried in a dark room to avoid losing it's unique color and benefits.

    Green Sea Moss is high in Chlorophyll, which is widely known as the "life force" of plants and is what gives plants their natural green color. Chlorophyll is an all natural body deodorizer and detoxifier. It is also great for healing the skin and reducing bacterial growth in wounds. Green Sea Moss is more rare to find and dried in a dark room to avoid losing it's unique color and benefits.

    How much Sea Moss Gel is recommended daily?

    How much Sea Moss Gel is recommended daily?

    Wondering how much Irish Moss to consume daily to keep a healthy balance? Here’s your answer. The perfect amount of Irish Moss Gel is 1-2 tablespoons daily. It’s ideal and the right amount to get your health in order.

    How To Use Sea Moss Gel:

    Sea moss gel is an excellent source of iodine, but few people know how to eat it properly. Here are ten ways to eat sea moss gel and reap the health benefits of this mineral-rich food.

    • Serve it as is

    You can simply place a few spoonful of sea moss gel into your mouth and swallow it. But it’s probably not going to taste very good, so most people opt for a more palatable preparation. Some people like to mix their sea moss gel with other foods, such as applesauce or oatmeal. That way, you get all of the health benefits (and tasty texture) of seaweed without having any trouble eating it in its pure form.

    • Add to smoothies

    Many of us don’t think of sea moss as something we can eat, but if you’re looking for a superfood that could drastically improve your health, sea moss is it. Try adding it to smoothies in order to reap its full benefits.

    • Use as a thickener in soup or stews

    sea moss gel can be used as a thickener in soups and stews, much like you might use cornstarch or flour. However, since sea moss gel is quite salty, be sure not to add any extra salt when using it as a thickener.

    • Use on toast like butter

    If you’re a fan of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, you’ll probably like sea moss gel (although it does have a more algae-like taste). Spread it on toast for breakfast, or try it on toast with jam as an afternoon snack.

    • Melt and serve with rice, pasta, etc.

    A great way to boost flavor while adding some health benefits is by mixing sea moss gel into your favorite dishes. Start with something simple like melted sea moss gel mixed with olive oil and spread on bread, or added to dishes in place of butter or other spreads. Once you get used to its slightly briny taste, try incorporating it into dressings, sauces, and various dishes like rice and pasta.

    • Add to baked goods

    The gel can be added to baked goods such as bread, muffins, and cakes, and it makes an excellent egg replacer in any recipe. Mix one teaspoon of sea moss gel with 3 tablespoons of water before adding it to your favorite recipes. It also works excellent in ice cream recipes and frosting. The list goes on! For just about anything made with eggs, you can use sea moss gel instead for a healthier alternative.

    • Use it as a face mask

    Mix two teaspoons of sea moss gel with a tablespoon of honey and stir to combine. Apply it to your face, leave it on for 15 minutes, then wash off with warm water. This mask is fantastic at balancing oil production and clearing out impurities in pores. It’s also gentle enough that you can use it daily—or even twice a day if your skin tends toward acne or irritation.

    • Use sea moss gel as a hair mask

    Those with dry or damaged hair will enjoy using sea moss gel as a hair mask. Apply 1-2 tablespoons of sea moss gel to your hair and leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Adding olive oil will help you retain more moisture in your hair.

    • As a skin-soothing lotion

    Sea moss gel is a great way to soothe a variety of skin conditions. It’s incredibly easy to make, and you can store it in your refrigerator for up to 10 days before making another batch. It’s also vegan and free of any harmful chemicals. Add 3 tablespoons of sea moss gel to 5 tablespoons of liquid oil such as sweet almond or coconut oil. Apply it directly to your skin after a bath or shower.

    Last but not least

    Sea moss gel, also known as carrageenan gum, is made from red algae that have been harvested from the ocean. It’s used to make everything from ice cream to salad dressing and even pudding, but that’s not all it can do! It is full of benefits, including promoting heart health, enhancing thyroid health, regulating blood sugar, fighting cancer, promoting skin health, and promoting healthy skin.

    You can easily incorporate the gel into your food or beauty products so don’t be afraid to give it a try.

    Sea Moss Gel for Skin and Hair

    Sea Moss Gel for Skin and Hair

    Sea Moss Gel for Skin:

    Skin is our largest organ, and it’s no surprise that we should take care of it. Sea moss gel contains a combination of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, and beta-carotene, all of which support healthy skin.

    When applied topically, sea moss gel can help soften skin. For example, if you’re struggling with acne or a dry complexion, sea moss gel can provide moisture and help your skin heal itself. Even people suffering from Rosacea have found that sea moss gel offers some relief. If you have overly-sensitive skin or are trying to avoid irritation, apply a small amount of sea moss gel to your face and let it sit for ten minutes before rinsing off with warm water.

    Sea moss gel is also a great solution if you have flaking skin. Made up of almost 90% water and minerals, it’s also particularly effective at delivering hydration to sensitive areas like your face and lips. If you’re looking for a natural way to moisturize your skin, try sea moss gel today! Just remember that it might take several weeks before you notice an effect – don’t expect to see an immediate difference.

    Sea Moss Gel Prevents Stretch Marks:

    Stretch marks often happen during pregnancy, rapid weight loss, or rapid growth. Stretch marks may not be attractive, but they don’t harm you in any way. However, some people find them really embarrassing and want to get rid of them to improve their looks and self-esteem.

    There are so many options for treating and preventing stretch marks, but one of my favorites is sea moss gel. The consistency may be different than what you’re used to seeing in skincare products, but don’t let that dissuade you. Seaweed contains antioxidants that can hydrate your skin, promote healthier cell growth, and fight inflammation, which can fade your stretch marks. With regular use, you should be able to notice a difference in just a few weeks.

    Sea Moss Benefits for Hair:

    Moisturizing the Scalp:

    Because sea moss gel is so hydrating, it can provide relief for a dry and damaged scalp. Because sea moss gel contains lots of polysaccharides, which have humectant properties that attract moisture to skin cells, applying it to your scalp can help seal in moisture and fight dryness and flaking. It can even soothe itching when applied topically—and may also be able to help with infections like fungal infections due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties.

    In addition, Irish Moss is also known to contain vitamins like Vitamin A which is known to promote sebum production. This helps your scalp to stay moisturized and for you to have dandruff-free hair.

    Improves Hair Growth:

    Worried about your hair not growing? Well, worry less, because Irish moss is the item you need. It’s a rich source of Vitamin E, which helps fight against oxidative stress and promotes hair growth.

    Also, the amino acids, proteins, and minerals in sea moss can nourish your scalp from within and help stimulate new hair growth. It may also improve texture and appearance.

    Prevents Loss of Hair:

    Sea moss gel is great for those dealing with thinning hair or hair loss. By nourishing and moisturizing your scalp, sea moss can help prevent further thinning and even stimulate new growth. It also contains zinc, which is a key nutrient for scalp health. This ingredient will protect you from dandruff, scalp infections, and skin irritation. If you’re concerned about hair loss or thinning hair, try using sea moss gel on a regular basis to experience all these benefits and more.

    Start your morning off right with the benefits of sea moss gel!

    Start your morning off right with the benefits of sea moss gel!

    What Is Sea Moss Gel?

    Sea moss gel contains many antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that benefit your body in several ways, including boosting your immune system, helping to reduce wrinkles, and increasing your energy levels.

    Sea moss is a type of seaweed that is found in deep oceans around the year. This Irish moss is found in rocky Atlantic parts of the British Isles and the Caribbean and also grows well in Europe and North America.

    There are several varieties that fall in the classification of sea moss, namely Chondrus crispus (found in colder climates), Gracilaria (found in warm weather), and Eucheuma Cotonni.

    Sea moss has been popular in many cultures throughout the world for its culinary, aphrodisiac, and medicinal benefits, and it is now touted as a superfood. 

    It is also popular because of Dr. Sebi’s sea moss drink. Dr. Sebi was a world-renowned herbalist, who promoted the use of sea moss for its healing benefits.


    Health Benefits of Sea Moss


    • Good for thyroid

           Irish moss and various seaweeds found in the ocean can give significant medical advantages. For instance, it is full of iodine, which is a significant supplement for your thyroid. Iodine helps your thyroid produce hormones that control your metabolism, digestion, nerves, bone development, and immune system .Iodine is one of the keys to a healthy thyroid, but because your body doesn’t make iodine on its own, you can only get it through diet.

    To help improve thyroid function, incorporate sea moss gel into your diet (along with other foods known to support proper thyroid function). Sea moss has also been shown to protect against damage from radiation exposure—another way sea moss gel helps maintain normal thyroid hormone levels.

    • It’s heart-healthy

    Sea moss gel is extremely beneficial for maintaining good heart health. The antioxidants that sea moss gel contains protect your heart from free radicals and help regulate cholesterol levels.

    Sea moss gel can also aid in lowering blood pressure, so it’s a great product to use if you suffer from hypertension or simply want to keep your heart healthy.

    In addition, sea moss gel helps with circulation by improving blood flow throughout your body. Sea moss gel also helps reduce inflammation in your arteries as well as plaque buildup. All of these benefits make sea moss gel an essential part of any cardiovascular-supportive diet!

    Besides, Irish Moss is extraordinary compared to other plants as a source of omega-3 unsaturated fats. These fats are a basic necessity for a solid heart. Truth be told, consuming sufficient omega-3 unsaturated fats is associated with a lower hazard of coronary illness, blood clumps, elevated cholesterol, and hypertension. Consuming many seaweeds, including Irish moss, can help you improve your heart health, in place of fish.

    • It may promote weight loss

    Sea moss has a few properties that may support weight loss. Regulate your appetite, Influence fat metabolism and modulate your gut’s friendly bacteria.

    High-fiber foods are filling foods, which means they may keep you from overeating. “Fiber keeps us fuller longer, which may help with weight control.

    Carrageenan is one of sea moss’s main bioactive compounds. Due to its gelling ability and the fact that your body can’t digest it, it acts like soluble fiber in your digestive tract. Soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gel-like substance. This slows digestion by increasing the rate at which food moves through your digestive tract and delaying the rate at which your stomach empties its contents 
    So, it may leave you feeling fuller for longer, which may help you eat less. In fact, regular soluble fiber intake has been linked to lower body weight.

    Some research on red seaweed suggests that carrageenan may potentially prevent weight gain. Studies indicate that it may help reduce body fat by 
    lowering dietary fat absorption, reducing the creation of fat cells, increasing the breakdown of stored fat and promoting the “fat-burning” effect of brown fat tissue.

    Recent studies suggest that the composition of your gut’s microbiota may influence your risk of obesity. The proposed mechanism is that specific types of bacteria in your gut may affect your weight by regulating energy expenditure and storage.That said, prebiotics may help make your gut microbiota healthier. And research on carrageenan shows promising results that it may improve the gut’s composition. Studies have shown that it may help increase beneficial bacteria such as Bifidobacterium breve and reduce harmful species such as Clostridium septicum and Streptococcus pneumonia.

    • It may boost your immunity

    One study showed Atlantic salmon that ate sea moss to have a more efficient immune response than salmon that didn’t. Of course, fish and people have very different bodies, and no similar studies have yet proven the same effect on humans.

    Still, a healthy gut is associated with a healthy immune system. And sea moss is also high in iron and antioxidants, which both contribute to immune health.

    • It can build muscle and aid in workout recovery

    Sea moss is rich in an amino acid called taurine, which helps with muscle-building. “When we exercise, we get little micro-tears in our muscles,” Czerwony explains, “but amino acids can help with that recovery.”

    Sea moss also has about 6 grams of protein per 100 grams, an exercise staple. Just don’t rely solely on sea moss for exercise recovery! You’ve still got to make sure you’re getting enough healthy food, hydration, rest, etc.


    The bottom line
    Sea moss is a red seaweed low in calories but rich in carrageenan. This polysaccharide acts as a soluble fiber, and it’s responsible for sea moss’s potential weight loss effects.